What Are Phytonutrients and Do I Need Them?
November 03, 2013
Primal Essence is proud to offer a complete line of great tasting and healthy organic teas. Customers often comment on everything from the naturalness of our Lemon Ginger or Turmeric Tulsi fine teas and the flavorful chai tea spices contained in our Classic or Vanilla Chai, to the reviving properties of natural ginger found in our Ginger Zing. They particularly appreciate how real and wholesome our organic teas taste. Many don’t even realize that one added advantage of our extraction process is that it preserves the natural health qualities of the antioxidants and phytonutrients derived from our original ingredients. Phytonutrients are the natural chemicals that are found in plant foods. Plants produce these substances to protect themselves from viruses and bacteria. When consumed by people, they often become health boosters for the human body as well. When you eat or drink phytonutrients, they may help prevent disease and keep your body working properly. Although there are thousands of naturally occurring phytonutrients, some you may have heard about include Carotenoids, Ellagic acid, Flavonoids, Resveratrol, Glucosinolates, and Phytoestrogens. These provide certain benefits such as: · Serving as antioxidants, which tackle harmful free radicals that can damage tissues throughout your body. · Supporting the production of Vitamin A. This helps keep your immune system working properly, and supports eye health. · Flavonoids often include catechins, such as those found in green tea, which may help prevent certain types of cancer. The general consensus is that phytonutrients have the ability to help slow the aging process and may help protect against a host of illnesses and diseases like some cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure and other chronic health conditions. You’ve probably heard of the recommendations to eat specific quantities of fruits and vegetables every day to increase your intake of antioxidants and phytonutrients, but this can be hard to do. That’s why many people appreciate the added benefits they receive simply by drinking our medicinal teas. Primal Essence first started by supplying wholesale teas to the food and beverage industries. We now decided to enter the consumer market to offer our customers special teas and organic teas that preserve their powerful phytonutrient qualities. We utilize only the cleanest extraction technologies to product pure, chemical-free, alcohol-free extracts that preserve the full flavor and aroma of the ingredients. We don’t add any chemical additives or allergenic compounds, preferring to allow the inborn health properties of our natural tea and medicinal tea products to stand on their own. Primal Essence makes it easy to receive the added health benefits of phytonutrients in your organic teas.
About Primal Essence: Primal Essence caters to those looking for the freshest and most wholesome ways of eating. Its line of Organic Super Teas includes Classic Chai, Vanilla Chai, Lemon Ginger, Ginger Zing, Peppermint Splash, and Turmeric Tulsi. Visit the website and
Facebook page or call 805-981-2409 for more information on the amazing qualities of phytonutrients.
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